Pretty Pushers blog — pregnancy

In Her Own Time

Ever feel rushed? Like every day? Taking our time, doing it our way --that's how we want to live but it's not always how we actually live. Then we get to birth and everyone's staring at us, looking at our privates, scrutinizing us with clocks, rates and their own busy schedules. Everyone wants the baby now. Well, they can wait. In fact, they need to wait.



Patience is a virtue in the best of times, but it's priceless when dealing with our bodies in labor.

Breastfeeding Nutrition Tips

As part of our attitude of gratitude, we've gotten some guest blog posts from the nutritionists at CredibleCravings. To learn more about the Free gift we're giving to all website customers this month, click here.



Diet Tips to Keep in Mind while Breastfeeding

As the experts agree, “breast is best!” Moms who are able to breastfeed and choose to do so for at least the first few months can feel great knowing the are giving their little...

Saying "I've Got This"

All the small decisions, all the pushes and pulls to care for your baby according to other people's expectations or to "norms" begin to pile up and by the time delivery comes you're half sure you know what you're doing and half sure you should have read just one more book or attended just one more class or don't know what to think! Does any woman ever feel 100% ready for this birth, not your sister's or your mother's, not your first child's or maybe your third's but this birth, this unique moment that is happening now.

Use The Force

After many weeks of gestating baby the day starts to seem real. A big change has been brewing inside you and with a mix of excitement and so many other emotions, the delivery date nears and you prepare to greet this new person, this small, new life.

All week in the office we're getting ready for the ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas. We're bringing our gowns out in a big way to meet the buyers and tastemakers in our industry. We've grown, we've changed. We're entering a whole new...

Love and Birth

It's the end of summer and now the beginning of fall. The kids are heading to school and the days are getting shorter. It's a time to think about all the great memories we had of swimming, biking and spending time at family gatherings. How great are grandparents??

Life moves on and seasons change. The thing we can count on? Love. Are you charting a course and feeling overwhelmed? Are you looking at the birth of your child and thinking "I'm not qualified to do this!!"

You're not alone. Look around you. Love is everywhere and you and your baby--...