Pretty Pushers blog

New Shades of Grey

It's ok to feel grey in the wintertime.  Pretty Pushers has 3 new shades for your bump!  Available at and

Pretty Pushers grey birthing gowns

Why female mentors are invaluable to women entrepreneurs

I am lucky enough to have 2 females on my board of directors who I consistently turn to for advice.  As a woman founder and CEO of a 
startup, I was faced with a lot of doubt (from both men and women) in the beginning because:
1.  I was young
2.  I am a woman
3.  I had a product that no one had ever heard of
In my first search for capital investment, I recall an older man telling me "I won't invest in you because you won't have...

Daily Mom is giving away a Pretty Pushers labor gown

The Ruffle Labor and Delivery gown by Pretty Pushers is up for a giveaway from Daily Mom!  Throw in 2 packs of 100% cotton nursing pads, and your hospital bag is that much closer to being packed!

Tips for not pooping during labor - She Knows

Preparing for labor involves more than calling your doctor and packing a bag.  She Knows offers this article with great tips on what you can do BEFORE labor to, well, "go".  Our CEO Mary Apple adds to that with a concoction which was meant for inducing labor, but in fact had another use.  


In the end, the hospital staff has likely seen it all and they know how to get Sh*t out of the way!  

New Birth Vlog from The Murrays

Can't get a sweeter Christmas Present than a baby girl!  Watch this birth story from The Murrays :

Congrats to this mama, who made her wishes known during labor and delivery!