Pretty Pushers Testimonials — Pretty Pushers

Doulas are not just for home birth

The word Doula creates many conceptions - Home Birth, Natural Birth, Hippie...

But in fact Doula is a term for:

'a woman who is trained to provide support to women and their families during pregnancy, childbirth, and the period of time following the birth'

So in fact, a doula may be used in any way a pregnant woman chooses.  In this case, Read the article →

Own Your Labor

"Owned my labor on Sunday (for the second time) in my Pretty Pusher! The hospital staff loved it and couldn't get over how awesome and functional it was. They even had me write down where I got it so they could pass it along."
What to wear during birth has the power to affect your overall experience

2nd time Pretty Pusher

It feels so great to get the birth you want.

Trading the Hospital Gown for a labor gown from Pretty Pushers

Baby's first Photo

How Birth Feels

Not that we should necessarily be concerned with how we 'look' in the first photo we take with our new baby...but in years to come...people will look at that photo and know how we felt.  Will we remember how we felt?  Of course!  Were we one of the hospital's ill patients?  NO?  Well why would we wear their unisex patient gowns that sick people wear, then?  If we felt the strength, femininity, and confidence that we approached labor with, well by all means, lets show it afterwards!  #ownyourlabor #prettypushers #ididitmyway

What to pack in your hospital bag for labor...from a mom of 4

Trading the Hospital Gown and Mesh Underwear for a Labor Gown and Postpartum Underwear from Pretty Pushers is a must for Danielle Murray, mom of 4!