Pretty Pushers Testimonials — Birthplan
Comfort during Labor and Delivery
She said it...this Labor Gown is worth every penny!
So much better than the Hospital Gown
She has been through birth before, and she knows she doesn't want to wear the hospital gown.
Labor/Delivery Gown
So many expecting moms ask "What should I pack in my hospital bag for birth?" Just ask this mom, about to give birth -
"...and yes, I bought a labor/delivery gown, and I don't regret it!"
Ahhh that blue Hospital Gown
Erase those not-so-fond memories of the used blue hospital gown by bringing your own labor gown this time...
Hospital Gown complaints in the L&D ward
"I didn't realize how much of a difference it would make until I saw the mom in my shared room complain about her hospital gown that exposed all of her backside."