Pretty Pushers blog

What to wear during birth - it matters

Why Clothing Matters in Labor

By Michal Klau-Stevens, The Birth Lady

 Did you know that one of the first important decisions you will make when you are admitted to the hospital when you are in labor is whether to wear the hospital gown they give you?

 It seems like such an inconsequential matter – to wear the hospital gown or to bring your own clothes to wear while laboring, but what you choose can change the course of your labor.

Hospital gowns have rich psychological meaning for patients and their caregivers. Hospital gowns bring to mind people who are sick,...

What to Wear for Labor and Delivery

The Birth Lady, Michal Klau-Stevens, discusses the importance of staying out of the hospital gown during birth.

What it means to be Made in the USA

Pretty Pushers products are Made in the USA.  That could mean a lot of different things, but to us, it means

*Having control over our manufacturing  

*Knowing the people who are making our products - we know their stories and their families

*We pay a premium.  American employees are not cheap.  For every dollar spent, we pay 20% on top for taxes and other fees that don't go to us or the employee

*We also pay other American corporations, labor, services, and freelancers.  We hire local bookkeepers and accountants to keep track of their hours, fees, and...

My Birth Story, by Chelsea Gonzalez

My Birth Story, by Chelsea Gonzalez

client of Kym Benner, Doula

Kym Benner - Professional Birth Doula, Childbirth Educator & Certified Sacred Pregnancy Instructor 

(951) 352-5960 home (951) 218-5490 cell


At 1 am I felt it!  It was intense enough to wake me from my sleep.  I could say with confidence that what I felt was indeed a contraction...

Pretty Pushers Videos on You Tube

Pretty Pushers Reviews, Birth Stories, and Interviews all together on the Pretty Pushers YouTube channel!