Pretty Pushers blog — nutrition

Every Birth Story is Special

This expecting mom was afraid that a labor induction would lead her away from the natural birth she wanted.  

Pretty Pusher and newborn

But in fact, despite the cervadil, pitocin, and epidural, she was able to stay calm and peacefully push out her baby boy in 30 minutes!  Her family and friends were nearby to welcome him to the world and all was fine in the end.  This reminds us to expect the unexpected, and that we can still embrace our own story, even if it happened differently from the first draft. 

Pretty Pushers birth photography



I was very fortunate to experience a joyous, high-energy pregnancy, and as a result, many moms and moms-to-be ask me what I did to stay on track. For infinite reasons, I recommend the following five bits of advice. What is so outstanding about making these purposeful dietary and lifestyle choices is that they can develop into a very powerful way to bond with your baby.

Eating for Breastfeeding: Expert Tips

If you are trying to shed any extra baby weight, remember that too few calories will negatively impact your milk production so weight loss needs to be slow. If you eat too little you’re also likely to miss some critical nutrients. As with pregnancy, your body prioritizes the baby so nutrients like folic acid will go to the baby first and your levels will drop.