Pretty Pushers Testimonials — midwife

Breastfeeding at Home....

This mama decided to wear her Pretty Pusher after birth...and she's glad she did!

Breastfeeding in a Pretty Pushers gown

-Raquel, New York, NY

Comfort during Labor and Delivery

She said it...this Labor Gown is worth every penny!

comfort during birth is priceless

Craving cocktails during pregnancy?

We know the feeling!  So we printed them on a Delivery Gown for something more fun than the hospital gown!

Delivery Gown cosmos print by Pretty Pushers

So much better than the Hospital Gown

She has been through birth before, and she knows she doesn't want to wear the hospital gown.

Newborn Photography in Pretty Pushers gown

Pretty Pushers new mom review

Labor/Delivery Gown

So many expecting moms ask "What should I pack in my hospital bag for birth?"  Just ask this mom, about to give birth - 

expecting mom in green pretty pusher

"...and yes, I bought a labor/delivery gown, and I don't regret it!"